5 Things I’ve Learned Since Starting a Podcast

Anastasia Forrest
6 min readMay 12, 2021
Anastasia Forrest, Broker Associate w/ EXP Realty and Host of “The Creative Real Estate Agent”

I’ve been hosting my podcast, “The Creative Real Estate Agent,” for about two months now, so I figure this is good time to unleash my hard earned wisdom upon the world. In all seriousness, I’m obviously still a beginner as I just completed my eighth episode. However, I know volumes more about podcasting than I did before I began, and I am writing this story to share what I have learned so far, with you! So hold on tight, because here we go.

1. As a Beginning Podcaster, You Will Have Technical Challenges….Most Likely, a Bunch of Them

If you’re starting new podcast, you are going to have some technical difficulties. Unless you are coming into podcasting with a wealth of audio/visual experience, there are some challenges you are probably going to deal with. These may or may not include awkward lighting, your voice on the audio being too loud or too quiet, the fancy new camera you purchased not cooperating with your computer, editing difficulties, and more.

In my experience, even after shelling out some substantial dough toward equipment I’d specifically researched for video & audio recording (a couple of entry level webcams followed by a Canon EOS M50, and a Shure MV7 podcasting microphone), I’m still working out the kinks.

Word to the wise: Don’t wait until you have everything perfect to launch! If you insist on waiting until the day when you’ve got everything down 100%, you may find that day never comes! Do I have some audio recordings that could have come out better? Yep! Do I have videos that could have been of a higher quality picture? Uh huh. But I have eight podcasts done, released, and regular listeners tuning in and downloading!

I DO NOT regret the fact that I got the ball rolling! Getting started and just doing it is actually the best way to figure out what you need to tweak. So, just get out there, and start doing it!

2. It’s Remarkably Easy to Actually Send Your Podcast Out Into Podcast World

In contrast to the difficulties of trialing and tinkering with recording equipment, it is incredibly easy to launch your audio file into the world. There are a number of services to choose from, but I simply used a service called Buzzsprout that was recommended to me by a friend.

With Buzzsprout, you simply create a title for your podcast along with a description, upload the cover artwork, and then start uploading your audio files. From there, the service distributes your podcast episodes to as many or as few podcasting platforms as you would like. Your show is accessible within minutes- it really is wonderfully, incredibly easy. It is also very affordable.

At the time of this writing, it is actually 100% free to get started on Buzzsprout. If you would like your podcast to be hosted for longer than 90 days, or if your upload time surpasses the “free limit,” you’ll have the option of joining one of paid subscription plans. At this time, the entry level subscription cost is under $20/month.

3. Don’t Be Afraid To Ask Someone If They Will Be Your Featured Guest (Most Will Say “Yes!”)

If you see someone in your world that could provide value to your podcast audience, you have nothing to lose by asking that person if you can feature him or her on your podcast. Is there chance they could say “No,” or simply ignore your inquiry? Of course! But chances are, that the person will at least be curious, consider it, and most of the time, that person will actually say “Sure!”

I’ve asked twelve people to be guests on my podcast and ten have said “Yes.” As for the other two, one said she has a lot on her plate right now, and to ask her again in a couple of months. The other did not respond, but I’m not worried about that! I trust that if it feels right to the person, those are the conversations I want to be having, anyway!

Even very busy people will agree to be featured on your show if they resonate with you and your idea. So, don’t be shy, find those conversations- trust me, they are out there!

4. Putting Out Podcast Episodes is Potentially Quite Time Consuming

A fourth thing I’ve learned since starting this podcast is that putting out a weekly podcast is, frankly, time consuming. Especially at first while you are getting your systems and process down, you are going to be putting in, at least, a few hours per week on your podcast.

I’ve been recording my live broadcasts every Friday and getting edited and uploaded by Sunday every weekend. This means Monday-Thursday I’m brainstorming questions, troubleshooting equipment, and booking future guests. Then somewhere between Friday and Sunday, I’m editing the audio, recording an intro and outro, and also preparing the video for uploading to my YouTube channel. The time spent adds up.

The good news is, I am now on my eighth week, and I can honestly say my time spent this week was less than any other, and the quality of my show is also superior to any previous week. It’s only Friday and the audio version of my show is already edited and ready to be uploaded. I also drafted the questions the night prior to the interview in about 10 minutes, from bed, in the notes app on my phone.

The point is, learning any new skill takes time. Be patient with yourself and the process. Know that you will get better and more efficient with experience.

5. You Can Use A Number of Different Software Programs to Produce Your Podcast

Like many modern day projects that involve a computer, there are an almost overwhelming number of options when it comes to the software you will use to produce your podcast.

I’ll just share with you the software I’ve been using and how it’s been working for me. For my “Creativity Chats,” I set up the meetings about a week a head of time in Zoom. I then send the link to my guest and ask them to meet me about 10 minutes prior to show time. From Zoom, I am able to live stream to Facebook and record to my computer at the same time. Zoom creates both an audio file and an audio+video file, which is very convenient when it comes time to edit.

For editing the audio, I’ve been using Logic lately, but Garageband will also work. For editing the video, I either use iMovie or WeVideo. So far, this system is overall working well. I’ve wondered whether it would be preferable to use a method to stream to more than one place, but right now, I feel good about what I am doing.

I’m trying not to overthink it, because I know the most important thing is that I do it and that I do it consistently. Between YouTube, Facebook, promotional posts before & after the show on LinkedIn & Instagram, the podcast itself, and the website I’m building, I believe I am giving my show enough of an online presence at this time.

So, The Bottom Line is Just To Start and Keep Going

Overall, my message to you is, “don’t hesitate.” I understand perfectionist tendencies, as I absolutely have them (and they do hold me back at times). I encourage you to go ahead and give yourself permission to try, make mistakes, and improve. You will grow so much and it will all be worth it.

Focus on your mission and on the mission of your podcast. Focus on the people you are going to help and the creation you are building. The podcasting journey is a worthwhile endeavor. You will do great. Just start and keep going.



Anastasia Forrest

Creative Real Estate Agent | Certified Sober Coach | Sound Designer | Author | Kindness Enthusiast